Noble100- I don't think that you have read all of my Responses. If you had you would know that I haven't given up on Computer Audio Downloads. There really isn't a choice now on the Audio Market. The Format isn't the issue. If 10,000 Records were suddenly yanked off of the Market at the site of a hundred CDs ( At the beginning of CD ), this leaves a disparity of 9,900 Titles no longer available on the Market in either CD, or LP! I would be raising a big stink about my limited access to those 9,900 REGARDLESS of what Format they are in. If they aren't available in either,
THAT IS THE POINT! They used to be regardless of the Format.
Now it is 10,000 CDs suddenly yanked, Music Downloads in no way nearly replacing those 10,000, again a huge hunk of Musical Archive is no longer available on the Market in either Format. There will be another 10,000 gone soon, plus another 10,000 gone soon...etc. Music Download Selection increasing by a trickle, NOT by leaps and bounds of 10,000
to replace our Music. THAT IS THE PROBLEM! Replacing Audio Formats WITHOUT replacing our Music accomplishes what??? Type of Format ( CD/8-Track/Cassette/SACD/LP...etc. ) doesn't matter! The elimination of available Music Archive on the market is being used to HERD everyone towards Music
Downloads by cutting off options for selection in other Audio Formats. We are being manipulated by the old "Shell
Game" of trying find your favorite Music Artists under the shell of whatever Audio Format. It is rigged, the fix is in. This is hardly an honest attempt to replace one Audio Format with another. "Soon All New Music Will Only Be Available As Music Downloads"- by Rook or by Crook by holding your Wife ( And Access To Your Music ) HOSTAGE!
Yeah, I resent it! My Spider Sense is sending shock waves of Red Flags over this. Why such dishonesty from an Audio Format that is supposed to be beneficial??? All that you have to do to see the dishonesty is be able to add. I think people with Computers should be able to handle that- which leads me to believe that there is another ulterior motive
other than a simple mistake in math. Ostrich Math perhaps?
Ostrich Math does what for my access to Music Archive, besides make it disappear, no matter what the Format. The Ostrich promises that the difference will be made up in the future, an I am supposed to be gullible enough to believe it? How about a size 10 up the Ostrich's Butt so he will cough up some more of my missing Music whatever the Format.
I can't believe for a second that I am the only one in the Universe with a size 10! Give me my Music back IN ANY FORMAT so that I have the same access that I used to enjoy.
Not accepting any excuses. We have had Music Downloads available for how many years now- five or more? Someone is dragging their feet on purpose, and my access to Music suffers because of it. Yet, Music Listeners can't understand why???