I read John's (Jafox) long post. (poor John he was "compelled to post!! LOL!)
I think that John underscores my point - know why people are using other preamps, evaluate whether similar or exact need exists in your particular system & audition/purchase preamp accordingly.
To that effect, I think some of the AN-Kondo & AN-UK preamps like the M6 might go well w/ a CAT power amp. AN components are mostly about music & PRaT rather than being exacting & they *could* provide a suitable balance to the overall sound. The M6 is e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e but then it seems that you are swimming w/ the real big boys so it should be in your budget. FWIW. IMHO.
I think that John underscores my point - know why people are using other preamps, evaluate whether similar or exact need exists in your particular system & audition/purchase preamp accordingly.
To that effect, I think some of the AN-Kondo & AN-UK preamps like the M6 might go well w/ a CAT power amp. AN components are mostly about music & PRaT rather than being exacting & they *could* provide a suitable balance to the overall sound. The M6 is e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e but then it seems that you are swimming w/ the real big boys so it should be in your budget. FWIW. IMHO.