CAT Preamps vs Amps

I'm a proud owner of a CAT JL2 amplifier. Most of the threads on Audigon say great things about CAT's amps JL 1-3. People laud over the musicality, transparency and dynamics of these amps. However, when it comes to the preamps (Signature and Ultimate versions), it seems like the reviews are a mixed bag. In many cases, some CAT amp owners use other preamps.

Therefore, are the current CAT preamps (Ultimate) as good as their amps in terms of musicality, transparency and
dynamics? Are they on par? If not where do they fall short compared to the amps? What are better matches?
Yes, it's a very good pre, esp on line. In particular, it manages to convey dynamic contrast and an impression of "speed" (low frequency energy is good).

As to system "synergy", the CAT drives difficult loads easily and well -- so I wouldn't worry about electrical mismatches.

This said, I preferred the (older model) big Lamm -- except for the dynamics.

Unlike most respondents, I don't own one.
Hi,let me clarify myself a bit.I thought the conrad Johnson,pass and levinson were terrible with the CAT amps,If I were forced to buy a pre with phono because Cat went out of buisness it would be the asthetix.It soundstaged better but missed on the dynamic slam and body of the music like the Cat captures,very easy to listen to.My second choice would be the Nagra,that has wild dynamics but a little thin and to much in your face,great for rock music but overall a bit tiring after a short time.
All my opinions are with vinyl,I do listen to cds.My front end is Basis debut MKv/graham phatom/koetsu diamond platinum.
I read John's (Jafox) long post. (poor John he was "compelled to post!! LOL!)
I think that John underscores my point - know why people are using other preamps, evaluate whether similar or exact need exists in your particular system & audition/purchase preamp accordingly.

To that effect, I think some of the AN-Kondo & AN-UK preamps like the M6 might go well w/ a CAT power amp. AN components are mostly about music & PRaT rather than being exacting & they *could* provide a suitable balance to the overall sound. The M6 is e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e but then it seems that you are swimming w/ the real big boys so it should be in your budget. FWIW. IMHO.
I ran the CAT SL-1 Mk. 3 preamp with built-in phono stage in my system for several years and eventually replaced it with the Lamm L2 (line stage) and LP2 (phono stage). The Lamm phono stage came first, and it handily outperformed the phono stage built into the CAT. While the phono stage in the CAT is phenomenal for the money, IMO it is really not competitive with the very best stand-alone phono stages. About six months later, I replaced the CAT line stage with the Lamm L2. To my ears and in my system, the Lamm L2 was clearly superior to the line stage in the CAT.

Just my $.02.