Cary SLP-98L

Hello all my GoNeRs.I am currently using my cary 2a3 mono with my slp-98 with the avantgarde uno.I ve been itching for a pre-ap upgrade,but afraid of moving side way or backward.Any fellows have any experience life after their cary slp-98?I love the sound of my cary slp-98,but just wonder what s out there? please give me some input..I need something wiht a remote otherwise i would try a CAT pre-amp.
I've not heard the Cary SLP 98, but I can vouch for Joule Electra preamps. I just recently replaced a BAT VK 30 pre with the Joule Electra LA 150. The LA 150 puts the VK 30 to shame... no contest!
The Cary SPL-05 is 8000.00 I don't think it comes in a linestage only. If only the phono stage would shutdown if it is not in use like the MC2200 does. Yeah listen to it when you get a chance and let me know what you think.

Thank you for all the response..The cary 2005 seem very inteesting ,but 8k is a little over my budget especially gas is over $3/gallon right now.what do you guy think the hovland 100+ a remote unit for volume control? good idea or bad? would this remote unit degrade the sound quality.?

That is a pretty hefty price tag. I noticed the spec said it has 6 x 6SN7, it looks like 4 to me with 2 other types of tubes to go with them. I'm sure it is an amazing piece of equipment given Cary's reputation. I support them, but not that much. Considering that at retail prices the SLP-98L and Joule LA-100 MkIII I own combined reach that price point, I'll take the 2 for 1 swap and enjoy the variety.

The Joule is sounding better everyday.