which balanced preamp to recomend?

Which balanced preamp(active or passive, valve or solid state) can you recommend to replace First Sound Presence Deluxe mkII?---up to $3000 new or used please. Am looking to retain as much of the detail, dynamics, neutrality and liquidity of the FSP pre(which is active, valve and linestage only). Reason being to run a full balanced system from cdp to amps.

Thanks for any ideas you may have.
people love the Herron preamps, which i think are balanced and in your price range.
I have a Herron VTSP1a and it's completely single ended. Perhaps his new preamps have XLR connectors but not the original model.
Herron preamps are single ended only. A used Atma-Sphere MP-3 probably could be found within your price range and is fully balanced.
the sonic frontiers line 3 is what gets my highest recomendation. and under your budget to boot!