J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different

So I invested in a Wyred 4 Sound Dac 2. Initially gad it hooked up to my Oppo 83 as transport and now have taken the plunge and hooked my PC up to the dac via USB. Very simple. Downloaded Media Moonkey and found it to be unnecessarily difficult to navigate. I downloaded J River and found the interface to be great.

I have Vista and am using Kernel Streaming. Sounds great! Even downloaded some hi res albums from HD Tracks. Does anyone have an opinion if there is a sound difference between the most popular packages and if so, who's software sounds the best? Are there software tricks that improve sound (besides kernel streaming and Wasapi?

Thanks in advance.
Fair enough-Dtc! My Rants are getting old. The "Occasional
Issues", are getting older. Especially since they are not being addressed and certainly will not be addressed in the near future. These "Occasional Issues", are not getting any younger. It would have been nice to forwarn Novices of
these "Occasional Issues", instead of selling them the
Snake Oil of so-called PC Audio Convenience. If you don't
understand how some of us feel like we have been lied to,
and decieved, then nothing that anyone will say can convince you. We expect this behavior from Snake Oil
Salesmen (PC Audio Manufacturers), NOT being stabbed in the back by other Customers. Other Customers busy stroking
their own Ego's thinking they can provide better Customer
Service than the actual Manufacturers. Blind leading the
Blind while your PC Audio Masters are grinning as they count their Profits. We have long memories, and we will remember these, "Occasional Issues", for a very long time.
We will remember who it was who sold us down river. That
will be something that will never be derailed! There is
absolutely nothing convenient about PC Audio, unless you think Hard Drive Crashes, Registry Errors, Viruses, Malware, inadequate installation Software instructions, Spyware, Fragmenting are convenient. These words are alien to anyone who just pops a CD into a CD Player, and for good reason! You had a chance to make PC Audio a worthwhile
Format, and you blew it! If it isn't a worthy Format by now, it never will be! If it can't stand on its own two feet in the Marketplace, and provide the needed Customer
Support, then it just isn't economically sound! It's
unreliable, who wants to buy something that is completely
unreliable? People will eventually figure it out for themselves. It is only a matter of time.
I come to this forum for education and enjoyment, not angry rants.

However, the past two weeks I've been trying to improve my PC music source experience and I downloaded J River. Pettyofficer speaks the truth. Absolute truth.
Not Angry-Paul_graham! More likely extremely disappointed.
PC Audio Fanatics have done nothing, but discourage Novices
from getting involved with PC Audio. You don't know how to fix your Music Server on your own, and suddenly you are an idiot! You are too stupid and not worthy of using PC Audio.
The fact is that anyone should be able to use PC Audio, the
only thing they lack is the adequate instructions. PC
Manufacturers, and PC Fanatics make this like pulling teeth. Can't teach, can't convert, you remain stagnate in the Market. Only place from there is down. It was a nice Format while it lasted! What a waste! Just needed a little more instructions from the Manufacturer-but no! That would drastically cut into someones Profits. Best to get
misinformation from another Customer, maybe you can get your PC to crash. Spend more money buying another one,
whoppie! More Profits! Do this enough times-inevitable
Customer gets discouraged and fed up with PC Audio. It is
only a matter of time! The unreliability of PC Audio will eventually sink in. Still time to change-Naahhhh! Forget it!
Pettyofficer; I do not know what your real issue is? But first I back up everything to an external hard drive, it is easy. Second the issue you mention of brake down are the same issues in a every format. They all have their quirks. Anolog(vinyl) quirks quite often are very expensive. As far as computer issues go you do not upgrade the software as far as windows 7 goes on a music server. You do not surf the internet either. Infact when you download you can do it on another computer to an external hard drive an then up load. It is easy. I purchase a tower computer design purly for the use of a music server. I love it. I think you need to really give the computer based system another look but this time with an open mind! If not, your loss not mine.

To lower the temperature here, I respect those who can assemble and operate a high end computer audio system. All I am saying is that it is far from simple to assemble and operate a true high end computer audio system that is reliable (free from viruses, crashes, and the myriad malfunctions that afflict computers and streaming devices but do not affect conventional rigs and comparable in audio quality to a conventional rig. And to suggest that computer audio has reached that state of reliability and simplicity is simply not so for the majority of audiophiles.

BTW, if I ever told my girl friend my computer audio system was so simple even she could operate it (as you describe for your wife), I would be short one girl friend and two other more valuable treasures!
