Not Angry-Paul_graham! More likely extremely disappointed.
PC Audio Fanatics have done nothing, but discourage Novices
from getting involved with PC Audio. You don't know how to fix your Music Server on your own, and suddenly you are an idiot! You are too stupid and not worthy of using PC Audio.
The fact is that anyone should be able to use PC Audio, the
only thing they lack is the adequate instructions. PC
Manufacturers, and PC Fanatics make this like pulling teeth. Can't teach, can't convert, you remain stagnate in the Market. Only place from there is down. It was a nice Format while it lasted! What a waste! Just needed a little more instructions from the Manufacturer-but no! That would drastically cut into someones Profits. Best to get
misinformation from another Customer, maybe you can get your PC to crash. Spend more money buying another one,
whoppie! More Profits! Do this enough times-inevitable
Customer gets discouraged and fed up with PC Audio. It is
only a matter of time! The unreliability of PC Audio will eventually sink in. Still time to change-Naahhhh! Forget it!