Best Digital Amp for Legacy Focus 20/20?

Hi: I will be starting a two channel from scratch and I originally was going to go with a new pair of Klipschorns, but didn't think the bass was to my liking for loud rock music,so I have now decided on Legacy Focus 20/20.
Due to rack space and electrical limitations, I was thinking of one of the digital amps being put out by a few companies.I am looking at the Acoustic Reality Ear202 stereo amp right now, plus others.
I do not have anything right now(saving up), so am looking for suggestions! The 20/20 are a 4ohm speaker, so I think most amps(digital)can handle under 4 ohms.Will a tube preamp work with these amps?? Just wondering if these amps can push the multiple drivers to my listening levels(85-95db)Thanks for all your help! Huck
I think we are looking at the same graph. In some of mine, they are in color, in others it is multi-color.

So.....assuming that we are......look closely at the area between 10 kHz and 20 kHz. You will some slight variations.

At first, you may not think that little change is audible. I can assure you that is. Very audible. Which is why you need to listen to one on the system you intend to purchase one for.

Look......all amps will interact to some extent with the speaker. These amps just happen to have a particular type of interaction that will be much more audible to the average listener.

At some other time, I can relate a story about RIAA networks, and how very noticable a difference of 0.25 dB is. If not, let me say that most RIAA networks have a hump of around that much from 250-500 Hz. Very hard to take out. Very few products take it out. (Some leave it in on purpose..........)

You can verify this by listening to CDs and LPs that you have in both formats. Some will prefer the warmer sound of vinyl, and others the "accuracy" of CD. Not the point which is better. Just to demonstrate how little of a frequency change can make very large changes in perceived sonics.

Anyone wanting info on stuff that I make, or have made, is welcome to send me an e-mail or PM. I would rather discuss items of technical nature that interest me, than bang the drum for our products. OK?

(There is more than one thread that deals with not being able to identify myself and my company without screaming "".)
Art, my highs are pristine. If you look at that graph dcarefully, you would see the dead short has the widest divergence from the other three. The 16 ohm line has maybe a 1/8 dB divergence, while the 4 and 8 ohm lines remain tied beyond 20dB.

The 500A is clearly superior to the 500ASP. The ASP graph have the four lines diverging between 10 and 15 kHz. Yet, you say whether one or the other sound better is a matter of opinion.

How about sending me one of your amps. I will arrange a group of honest people to give it a good listen.
Muralman1, your enthusiasm sometimes compromises your opinion. Your replicating the same notions you had for the EAR gear. I don't think Ar_t is claiming any superiority between his products and anyone elese, just that some building blocks seem to share some commonalities. I don't think your opinons are wrong they sometimes just come off as a bit directed(?). Your offer for comparison would be of much interest to all of us. Just let it be understood that as Ar_t has tried to clairfy that the results(as is usual, and according to Ar_t maybe more so than usual, but, the jury may still be out on that) maybe system dependent. Ar_t like Roy of Green Mountain offer unique perspectives that I think we should encourage. I'm sure the members are taking the appropriate amount of sodium intake, not that medicinal dosages appear to be necessary.
Uh.......there is no "dead short" data. I think you mean "open" data. It won't work into a dead short, will it???

Yes, it may very well be pristine on yours. As I stated, it could be that it works out to be the right amount on your system. No one is questioning that it sounds right on your system. We are ecstatic that it has worked out so well for you. (Maybe the amp you had before it had too much, or too little HF roll-off on your system.)

It just may not sound right on the next guy's. And the chances are mine won't either in that case. That is the point.
I do think that you need to look closer at the graphs, though.

As for the ASP......some may not hear what you feel is an objectable amount of noise. In a HT system, it may well be the ticket. Lots of power in a small, light, cool running box, that is short circuit protected, has soft clipping, and will most likely be very reliable. I don't use them in any 2-channel products, but that may also have to with the user's perception of what a serious power amp should be like. Somehow, the idea of something that only weighs (say) 10 pounds putting out 500 watts seems impossible to some.

As for your generous offer.........I know how my amps stack up to the competition. Enough prospective customers have auditioned mine along with the competition. I suspect most will agree that is a more diverse, and possibly un-biased, cross section of the market.

Again, I don't think that there is enough of a difference between all the competing brands to say one stands out above, or below, the others. I tend to dismiss comments of that nature, I hear them all the time.

The only comment that makes me stand up and take notice concerns speaker cables. I have heard......many times, many sources..........that high capacitance speaker cables suck all of the midrange out of the sound. Some of that can be borne out in the performance data supplied. "Designed to be stable for capacitve loads up to 470 nF." Luckily, no load, even a 'stat, is purely capacitive.
I e-mailed the amplifier designer that said the difference between cd's and lp's were due to a frequency response difference. That's not the difference between analog and digital.