Sound of chip amps / gainclones?

Has anyone tried chip amps like those from or These are similar to the 47 labs gaincard amps and use an LM3875 chip. How do they sound compared to other types of amps? I am concerned about dynamic range, and brightness/HF ringing.
I am looking to build one for my 4" dia, 8 ohm single driver speakers and need about 6 watts.
Hi should hear the Patek on a speaker with no crossovers and a fair impedance. Believe me ..the amplifer is extremely transparent when not bogged down by crossovers and wild impedance swings. I would expect the D-225 to come out on top where more power and heavy load capabilities are needed. I'm confident the results would have been the opposite on the proper speaker matching. This would be like me comparing a SET 10 wpc to a 500 wpc Pass amplifier on 88dB speakers that are 4 ohms..the winner is obvious. LOL

Gymane, you are more knowledgable on the Patek than I am so I trust your opinion. Your example with the flea powered SET versus the high powered sold state makes sense as this is why I went solid state just recently. I wasn't about to give up my Spendor's and while my 50 watt triode push/pull did a nice job, it wasn't getting the most out of the speakers. SET amps, while recommended by Spendor (they really like the Audio Note amps with their speakers), didn't cut it for me either.

The person who owns the amp uses Audio Physic speakers with a 90db effiency rating and 4ohms impedance. Perhaps that is a better match, altough from what I have been told the Spendor's I have are pretty flat along 8ohms. I suppose this is a good example of how important system matching is.