VK-55, VK-60, VK-75...

All three of these BAT amps show up with fair frequency on A'gon. There's a bit of a price difference, but not an enormous one, between the later E &F revisions of the VK-60; the VK-75 (which was the VK-60's successor); and the VK-55 (lowest powered, fewest tubes, but newest).

Can anyone which comparative experience differentiate between the sounds of these units? Whether the theoretical difference in outputs matters in 'real world' settings (e.g., w/ 89 or 90 db @ 1W speakers)?

Ag insider logo xs@2xhrodman
Fishwater...I'm sure the 75 is a little better. The 75SE is a huge step forward. What about a 60 to 60se upgrade? I've read around hear that the 60se and 75se aren't far off.

Also, have you put better tubes in your vk60? The front two 6sn7's are quite important and can really improve the sound. The other 6sn7's to a lesser extent. Also new 63ccb's every 18-24 months helps.

Power cords and isolation help on the bat amps as well.

I am more interested in the power upgrade over the sound. I just re-tubed the amp using NOS tubes in front as well as new 63CCB's.

I love the sound of the amp I am just looking for a little more oomph.
More power? Just go with a 2nd vk60. It'll also sound better...imaging depth, control... good luck!
I wish I could justify the additional expense of another VK60 but I really can't unless I just say screw it!