VK-55, VK-60, VK-75...

All three of these BAT amps show up with fair frequency on A'gon. There's a bit of a price difference, but not an enormous one, between the later E &F revisions of the VK-60; the VK-75 (which was the VK-60's successor); and the VK-55 (lowest powered, fewest tubes, but newest).

Can anyone which comparative experience differentiate between the sounds of these units? Whether the theoretical difference in outputs matters in 'real world' settings (e.g., w/ 89 or 90 db @ 1W speakers)?

Ag insider logo xs@2xhrodman

I am more interested in the power upgrade over the sound. I just re-tubed the amp using NOS tubes in front as well as new 63CCB's.

I love the sound of the amp I am just looking for a little more oomph.
More power? Just go with a 2nd vk60. It'll also sound better...imaging depth, control... good luck!
I wish I could justify the additional expense of another VK60 but I really can't unless I just say screw it!