DarTZeel Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the new DarTZeel NHB 18NS Preamplifier? A few 'Goners have commented on hearing the unit at 2005 CES, but I was wondering in particular if anyone has purchased one, or heard one in a familiar system or at a dealer for instance. Thanks.
Frank, while i may agree with jtinn regarding the review methodology, i don't agree in any way with jtinn's characterization of Marc and Jeff or his opinion of their motivations....and have told him that is how i feel. i think you know that i am not one to blindly follow anyone or defend a friend's assinine assertions. you should know that from your personal history with me.

i think you are waay off base in assuming that likeing the same gear means that myself or Hooper approve of jtinn's posts. jtinn speaks for jtinn. i am loyal to the person, but not to all the acts. jtinn doesn't always agree with me either.

this whole thing is getting just too weird for me.

this is suppose to be about music.
Neilhood: You and I do not know each other and have never had any dealings with each other. You came at me hard, which is your preference to do. The "mother" statment may have been a bit over the top. My mother died of Pancreatic cancer not too long ago and I am sure your intentions may have been different, but that was extremely rude.

It is exactly for the reason you stated that I have a BIG problem with the review. You said:

"There was nothing wrong with the Soundstage review. I just read it and it seemed extremely honest and to the point. Yes, there is an opinion in the review but, that's what this hobbly thrives on. 90% of the posts around here are opinions. Frankly, that particular Soundstage review is one that I would like to seem more of instead of the regular "sugar coated" reviews that we see in some of the other media pubs."

Looks can be decieving. Soundstage had a responsibility to deal with the review in a professional manner which I assure you was disregarded. They gave me their word and did not do as they promised. Is that breach? Was it an out and out lie? Maybe just completely irresponsible on their part. Is that fair to the manufacturer who worked hard to produce such a special product? Certainly if they had done as requested and come to the same conclusion I would have nothing to say. I can tell you that each and every owner of the darTZeel amp reports REAL and long break-in is required and that the changes are dramatic. If you do not believe in break-in, I would offer a challenge to you. Buy a darTZeel amplifier. If it does not change as I state and does not sound as good as those who have heard it aver, return it for a full refund.

Also, "well written" and honest may be two different things.
Fmpnd: After reading your closing statement, I mean post, I have to say I thought I was the devil and should be tarred and feathered. You obviously, being a lawyer, are extremely thorough and convincing, although in this case, conveniently misleading.

Certainly, after I came to my senses from reading your diatribe, I realized that my thoughts and statements were twisted around quite a bit by you. I stated my thoughts about Marc and Jeff having "strong ties" as pertinent ONLY when I considered whether or not to give the amplifier to them for review. Once I made the mistake to do so, it only became an issue that they did not keep their word to do as they promised in regard to properly breaking in the amplifier and removing DC compensation. Nothing more.

You are making this personal and seem to take the opportunity to do so in every post you can. I do not think that is very professional. Especially as a reviewer who works for the magazine in question.

Your statement:

"It is my opinion that this forum has been polluted by unscrupulous dealers/distributors who muddy the water of a forum designed to be a friendly sharing of ideas and civil debate to one of ulterior motives and libelous vitriol for their own profit."

I don't know Frank, but it comes across to me as you are just trying way too hard to discredit me and those who share my opinions no matter how honestly I, or they, speak, whether industry affiliated or not.
JUST to clarify and for all you Paul Harvey fans out there - HERE is the REST of the story:

The following quotes are taken DIRECTLY from the DartZeel amplifier's Owner's Manual:

Page 8 of the NHB-108's Owner's Manual states:

"The darTZeel NHB-108 model one has been designed to deliver more than 90% of its magical sound at cold start. After 5 minutes you are very close to the best the machine can offer. The increasing quality you may hear as time goes by will be mostly the reflection of your growing musical pleasure."

Page 16 of the NHB-108's Owner's Manual states:

"...all machines are broken in for more than 4 weeks in continuous use..."

Soundstage would rather rely on the manufacturer's information as opposed to an owner, dealer, or distributor so if the manufacturer made the forgoing statements DIRECTLY in the Owner's Manual AND IF THEY BURNED IN THE UNIT FOR MORE THAN FOUR WEEKS ALREADY, why should Jeff doubt it.

I have also been informed that, notwithstanding the Owner's Manual's advice, Jeff played the amp continuously for FIVE weeks before writing his review.

Next, DID ANYONE ON THIS POST READ JEFF'S REVIEW? It never bashed the sound of the ampliifer at all!!! The review was positive on every sonic count and only calls the amp's value against its competition into question. In the reviewer's opinion it was simply overpriced! WHY? Because before JTinn became involved with DartZeel, that same amp sold for $12,000. Afterwards it was $18,000!!!!!! A 50% increase!! The Euro is only about 23% higher than the dollar. Also, have you seen ANY other audio product made in Europe increase in price that much due to the alleged Euro disparity during that same time period? I haven't but then again I may not know of all such products.

Gentleman, Jeff Fritz is an honest man who simply called it as he heard it. For that HE was crucified and defamed on this thread. Jeff is a big boy and can take care of himself, but why should such mis-information be allowed to go uncorrected on this forum?

It kills me how everyone seems to complain that too many reviews are too nice and not "honest enough." Jeff then: (1) is led to believe by the manufacturer and Owner's Manual that the amp is at 90% cold out of the box and close to the best the amp has within FIVE minutes (as well as it being broken in by DartZeel for FOUR continuous weeks); (2) plays the amp continuously for FIVE weeks NOT FIVE minutes as suggested by DARTZEEL (now totalling NINE weeks of burn-in); (3) praises the sonics but; (4) calls it like he hears it when the recently raised $18,000 price is considered particularly against competition in that price range. And what happens? You saw for yourselves.

NOW ask yourself. WHO has no credibility and WHO is biased?

Funny thing, I just wrote a not so positive review for Soundstage for the ELP Laser Turntable. The classy people at ELP simply agreed to disagree with me and filed a classy response in Soundstage.

NOW you know the REST OF THE STORY!!