accuphase vs dartzeel

Hi all, this is not a shoot out but rather an inquiry. I'm owner of Accuphase A-50V Accuphase class A poweramp. If anyone knows this amp and the DarTZeel NHB-108 poweramp, please give your impressions regarding both amps. Do the Accuphase and DarTZeel share the same sonic qualities? Which of the two is more "tubelike"?
I am Swiss, of the same town where is built the Dartzel (Lancy, Geneva).
So, I certainly have nothing against this brand, which is very good.
But I definitely find the Accuphase amplifiers like A-50, A-60 or P-7000 better sounding than the Dartzel.
Hi Adhoc, could you give a description of what you like and what you don't like about the Dartzeel in comparison with Accuphase? Which preamp do you use and which speakers? Thank you.

I have no Dartzeel, Snook2 !
I have just heard it at friend's.
I have the Accuphase P-7000 amp, the Acc C-2400 preamp and the Acc DP-85 CD/SACD.
With Zingali Monitor 215.

I haven't listened to the Dartzel amp with Zingali speakers, but with Avalon.
I too listened to these Avalon with an A-50 Accuphase amp, and I found the sound better : richer and smoother, deeper too I would say.
Question of taste, partly, but we were 3 on 3 people to prefer the A-50.