
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?
Plato, earlier in this thread you mentioned the NF 8s with Aerial 10T speakers. Have you tried your new NF 9s with the 10Ts?

Good question. When I heard my specific Reference 8B amps on the 10T's it was at a friend's home who is a member of the Phoenix A/V club. He has a wonderful setup and a fantastic, custom-built room that is almost perfect for audio, judging from my experience that day.

The one area that came off as lacking on the 8B's compared to the owner's modified Bryston 7BST's and the Rowland 201's was that of bass extension -- weight and slam. Both of the higher-powered amps beat the 8B's in that regard. But you also need to put it in the context that the 8B's were being used on relatively inefficent speakers ( 86 or 87 dB/watt, I believe) in a large room and at relatively loud playback levels. Still, the 8Bs acquitted themselves quite well although rated at less than half the power of the other amps on hand. Actually, I couldn't believe how loud the 8Bs played that system while maintaining their composure and ability to make music.

In my own system, on the VMPS RM30s, I also find the Reference 8 series a little light in bass extension compared to other amps I have used. Now the Reference 9's have considerably more rms power output capability than the Reference 8's, and they have more instantaneous peak power capability to boot.

That said, the 90dB/watt RM30's in my room are much easier for an amp to drive than my friend's 10T system. But, at even modest listening levels, the Reference 8's come off as being somewhat anemic in the lowest bass. There is no denying they are dynamic and extremely articulate in the bass they provide, yet the Reference 9's in my system sound more relaxed at higher average playback levels that the Ref 8s could comfortably manage. Perhaps more importantly, the Reference 9s provide real weight, slam, and extension in the low bass. I found early versions of the Reference 9s not quite up to the midrange/treble performance of my updated Reference 8s, in terms of speed, incisiveness, and hf extension. However, the 9.02 version of the Reference 9 with the double input capacitance (and yellow output caps removed) appears to surpass my Reference 8s in the midrange and treble, and it's a bit more holographic in its soundstaging presentation, as the TAS reviewer noticed.

If you own 10t's or any other relatively inefficient speaker, and enjoy healthy bass slam, then there is no question that the Reference 9.02 amps are the way to go.

On the other hand, a person who uses monitors, with limited low bass or someone who augments their main speakers with powered subwoofers could be very happy with either the Reference 8s or Ref 9s, I should think.

Frank :)
Plato, I apologize for my comment above about feeling few reviewers are worth listening to. I know you've been around Agon for years but I did not know that you are a reviewer and that comment was certainly not directed toward you.

I actually posted my previous response around midnight last night and I think agon finally turned around and posted it about 9 am this morning. Well after your previous post. So on the surface it may seem that my post was a follow up to your post. It was not.

I expressed my feeling about reveiwers in general but nevertheless, my statement was callous and over-generalized and certainly unkind to mention in the presence of a reviewer or perhaps in the presence of anyone for that matter.

I appreciate your not responding in kind and your keen insight into the NuForce amps. Please accept my apology.

timestamped 9:28 pm.
Hi John,

I did not feel that your comments were directed at me and didn't take any offense. I see reviewers get slammed here fairly regularly in this forum, so I don't usually take it personally. I appreciate your concern and thank you for considering my feelings.

Like you, I believe the NuForce technology has something special to offer and I think audiophiles should be aware of it. One thing I can say for sure, is that to my ears, my systems have never sounded better since I began using the NuForce amplifiers as my reference.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Frank :)
Thanks, Frank. And I couldn't agree with you more regarding your thoughts on the NuForce amps.

Along that same line of thinking, I can't help but wonder what the home theater industry will think of these amps once they get wind of them.

Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving also.

timestamp 10:33 pst