I have not heard the 18 for an extended period of time, dealer showroom and I own a 16lsII, so making a direct comparison is difficult. But what I do remember is that my 16lsII produces a deeper soundstage with much more definition (detail) as well as timbre (air) around the instruments than did the 18. The only reason I recommended a cj tubed unit was because of the sounic qualities that you like in music are typical of the cj line. I also at one time owned a 17lsI and it too was very good at producing the qualities in music that you like just not as detailed as the 16lsII. Associated equipment is cj premier 350 power amp, scd-1 front end with AQ anaconda and volcano cabling and ps audio power cords, thiel 3.6 speakers.
The AZ silver reference is quite a step up from the AQ diamondback. As mentioned above I use AQ anaconda with volcano and like the combination but have considered going to all silver cabling.
I have not heard the 18 for an extended period of time, dealer showroom and I own a 16lsII, so making a direct comparison is difficult. But what I do remember is that my 16lsII produces a deeper soundstage with much more definition (detail) as well as timbre (air) around the instruments than did the 18. The only reason I recommended a cj tubed unit was because of the sounic qualities that you like in music are typical of the cj line. I also at one time owned a 17lsI and it too was very good at producing the qualities in music that you like just not as detailed as the 16lsII. Associated equipment is cj premier 350 power amp, scd-1 front end with AQ anaconda and volcano cabling and ps audio power cords, thiel 3.6 speakers.
The AZ silver reference is quite a step up from the AQ diamondback. As mentioned above I use AQ anaconda with volcano and like the combination but have considered going to all silver cabling.