Modwright SWL 9.0SE Pre ... your thoughts welcome

Hey, I have decided to dive into tubes ... well, you get my meaning. I was steered towards the Modwright SWL 9.0SE and so far have read some good things. I'm running a Levinson ML-27 for power and Paradigm S-4's for speakers. My transport is nothing special, Denon DVD-2200 but I am also looking at running a tubed DAC in hopes of bringing the system a little more alive. Right now the system seems a little flat ... not very exciting. Plenty of volume bass end it fantastic but the mid and upper end seem very packaged. Imaging is not very good ... High and mid frequencies don’t seem to blend well. Some CD's have fair to good sound but most seem pretty "plain". Just doesn’t have that delicacy I'm looking for. I seem to listen the SPEAKERS and not the music. I recently listened to an older set of Paradigms pushed by a small tubed integrated and I was amazed. The tubed gear really made the Paradigm speakers come to life ... I was set back in my chair. Vocals were clear and crisp … the sound was extremely detailed and I had to be drug out of the room. Since then I have really started to pick a part my system.

Cables are Signalcable Silver Resolution Balanced and Cobalt Ultimate speaker cables. I'm running Signal cable "Magic" power cables. Nothing fancy but it should do the job.

Is this upgrade going to help? Has anyone experienced this?

Any better preamps in the $1500-2000 range? What about Levinson SS preamps?

Help me out … Please
I emailed Modwright and Dan personally mailed me back. I live about 12 miles from the new manufacturing facility and ask to visit sometime... he is a busy guy but agreed. I will get one on loan (thank you Kurt at Echo HiFi) and give it a test this weekend. After all of your input I think this is the direction I want to go. I was told by someone who had the Levinson/Modwright combo that the match was quite amazing but as was mentioned above - speakers play a big part of the equation. I know Paradigm may not compete with Dali or Wilson directly but in my price range I listened to many, many speakers and the Paradigms jumped out at me. They remain my favorite part of my system and I dont see me changing them any time soon.

I liked the way you put it "choose speakers that suit your ears" ... the S4's suit my ears.

Thanks for your input... I think I will listen to as many different pre amps as Kurt will lend me and try to approach it as a learning experience. I have spent a lot of money in the last three years and I have made some good and bad purchases. I have spent a lot of time lately picking through what you all, and others have written and I really apreciate this forum. I think I will slow it down and really try to figure out what fits me, before I throw more money at it. The more I dive into high end audio ... the more I realize how little I know.
Horseface: For what it's worth, I too use a set of Paradigm speakers: Studio 100V3. I experimented with a set of Dynaudio's (Contour 1.8)...a little too lean in the bass department for my tastes. Short story: I think Paradigms and the Modwright are a good match...excellent integration from bottom to top. Again, your ears will tell you what's right. Have a great 'test weekend' and let us know how things come out!
I am also interested in the Modwright preamp. I would be using it with the Cain & Cain Abbys (95dB;) is this a good match? Also, what amp are you folks using with this preamp?

I'm using the Modwright to a Red Wine Audio Clari-T to Zu Definition speakers. I haven't heard anybody saying the Modwright isn't a good match in any circumstances. But, I also think some people might prefer the tubier sound of 6sn7's like DeHavilland and Supratek are using.

And the Abbys are Fostex-based. I'd guess they could use a little fat around the middle, though I haven't heard that execution of the Fostexes.

Overall, if you use the Modwright in this system, I would expect an amp of soft-ish character to be best for the broadest audience.