Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Leafs: Carl's banter has never bothered me. Your campaigning for Carl's expulsion, however... Guess it's up to (just like everything else) personal taste. I do not want to see anyone banned from the forum, including you. If your place and position at this forum is to whine about Carl in between your more interesting and relaxing posts, then so be it. But let's cut the expulsion crap. We are all just here to spend some money, share ideas, blow off a little steam and yes, taunt each other as well. We are all adults and therefore do not have to act as such if we do not feel like it.
Hey Dekay,I like that "we are all adults"line.I wonder if it will work on my daughter(11) when she tells me I listen to "kids music"(modern rock)
Who knows if they are the same person or not. In a perfect world we could all discuss our opinions without trashing each other. With our hobby, many things are system dependent, such as cables. I believe that it is okay to express our passion, as long as we conduct ourselves as gentlemen. I always have questioned the integrity of those who feel they have to be nasty to those with a differing veiwpoint. I'm sorry to deviate from the original thread. Yes, many cable manufacturers have gone to the high mass approach regarding cable design. Probably the thickest diameter cables that I've seen are the lead jacketed Kimber speaker cables.
Trelja: I recall Martin Colloms' review of the Black Pearl a few years back (in HFNRR), and I can remember it (just like I can remeber that other Morel matter, and will soon embarrass you with it, I hope). It was 8 AWG per pole, made up of the "black pearl" stranded conductors (and the price was "only" $14,000 at that time....the price of silver must have gone up 500% since then...or else the price of lead must be really high). The Wireworld Gold Eclipse 3 also happens to be 8 AWG per pole, and all silver.
Carl, thanks for the information on the awg of the Black Pearl. I appreciate it. I remember seeing the price being $50000, but I accept your recollection of the price. Perhaps, I will dig deeper, but the subject is more or less irrelevant to me, as I cannot afford either. I am afraid you cannot embarrass me. That emotion stems from fear, hatred, and guilt. None of which are a part of my being. If I am wrong on a matter, I stand up and admit so. That is the difference between a boy and a man. A man can accept who he is, and the fact that he is not infallible. We are all sometimes correct and sometimes incorrect. I do not gloat when being correct. You have taken a matter of FACT(not opinion), which you are clearly wrong on(as I directly quoted page, paragraph, and person - I even offered to fax you the article...), to heart. And in the end, feelings like that will never lead to happiness. As we approach Christmas, I wish you both peace and good listening.