Squeezebox Touch not diplaying some music files

I am hoping someone can help me with this dilemma. I have been using a Squeezebox Touch to wirelessly stream music from my itunes library (via Logitech Media Server), with excellent results. I have had no problems with my entire music library showing up on the Squeezebox touch. All my music has been converted to high quality AIFF files. Somewhere with the last 1-2 updates on the Squeezebox Touch and itunes, I have lost about 5% of the songs on my library. That means that those songs do not show up on the Squeezebox Touch but I can find them if I use the Search function. This is a major annoyance as I have to try & remember which songs I am missing. None of the songs have any restriction such as DRM.
Could any of the experts in Computer audio shed some light on what might be going on and what can be done to fix this problem? I would be very grateful.
Thank you!
I have 3612 CD's ripped in loss-less, with 42256 songs occupying 1.2 Terabytes of space. That 2972.5 hours of playing time or almost 124 days before hearing a repeat. LMS has no problem indexing it. My last scan took exactly 100 seconds.

Seams to me that it probably comes down to 3 possibilities:

1. Corrupted index file

2. iTunes has changed something with tagging/file type for the missing songs. Is the latest MP3 Squabbler installed in LMS?

3. Change in the way LMS is indexing the iTunes library.

Keep us posted.
This suggestion might be of some help. It restores the iTunes library to an earlier state, and is described as often being a solution for, among other things, library corruption that may result from "upgrades."

It's very simple to do, and very simple to undo if necessary.

-- Al
Thank you to everyone for their valuable suggestions. Much appreciated! I will attempt the fix tomorrow and get back with an update.
it once happened to me and it happened to be missing file extensions (.mp3) that amazon forgot to append for a few days.
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