Shootout: CJ Sonographe SA250 vs. Classe CA150

Anybody who is familiar with these entry level amplifiers, please post your insights as to which one is more musical? The
Conrad Johnson is a bipolar design and the Classe, I believe is a mosfet?
Dont know about the Classe,I have a sa250,its worth every penny,Outstanding all the more so considering what they sell for,puts any mid fi for about the same price to shame.
I listened to the CA150 and was impressed. The Sonographe SA250 is a good amp for the price, and is one tranparent amp. But the Classe is a high end amp and I like the way it presented instruments and voices. Partnered with my Cary tube preamp with Telefunken 6DJ8, Diana Krall sung in the room for me. I was bowled over. I finally traded in the CJ for the Classe. I am thinking it will be awesome with an Esotec-tweeter equipped Dynaudio, like the Focus 110. BTW, my transpor/ DAC combo is also Twin Telefunken tube equipped, too.

Thanks for your input.
I have owned some CJ and some Classe and at this point, I would probably choose Classe over CJ when it comes to amps. I know the CA200 and it is excellent.