300B tube recommendation for SET amp?

Hi all!!

I'm looking to buy a quad set of 300B tubes (5 volt heater WE type) for a Coincident SET configuration amp. WE is out of the question due to the cost. I am considering TJ, Sophia, Full Music brands or even Svetlana.

Suggestions? Experiences?

I recently pondered Dogpiles' same question. Maybe another way to ask the question is, are there any 300b tubes that are unanimous losers? (EH?) If so, I can just experiment with the others.
EH aren't bad. Quite respectable for their price, actually. I can envision all 300Bs finding some favor in someone's system. The one I'd avoid is Cetron's 300B: it's pricey and subpar at best.

I did a search on AA and also checked the 300b reviews as Gregm suggested (thanks). Again, it was a mixed bag with individual preferences. Although WE, TJ and others were highly recommended but I'm trying to stay within a budget since I'll be needing a quad set + a pair as back ups.

I think I'll try some Chinese Valve Art titanium/mesh plates with gold pins as JB1094 suggested. People on AA seem to like them as well and the price is within my budget.

I just hope they don't die on me overnight...there seems to be reliability issues with some Chinese and Russian mfd. tubes. Most or all tubes that are shipped for "export" seems to be the "B" grade and tubes bought here in North America are probably "C" grade.

Oh well, passion is the enemy of precision...
Vu, of Deja Vu Audio, recently sent me a pair of his custom 300b monos with his best rare vintage transformers. He chose EH Gold Grid for that amp. My Art Audio sounds best with the Sophia Princess and with my Welborne DRD I like the EH. Point is in some circuits one brand may sound better than another and of course, it's all about your own individual taste. I will add this, the WE sounds fantastic in all of mine.
Hi Onemug,

Which set of trannies did Vu use in your 300b amps? I am guessing that you have his pushpull amp -- I don't recall any single ended amp that he makes with vintage transformers. I am quite familiar with his amps, both the ones with old Chicago and the ones with Acrosound TO-330s. Personally, I like his amps with the new Western 300b. I am sure that NOS Westerns would be even nicer, but that would be really pricey.

By the way, I have one of Vu's pushpull 45 amp (Acrosound TO-330). It is currently not in use (replaced by an Audionote Kageki), but I really like the amp and plan some day to use it as the bass amp in an active bi-amp setup.