Special birthday audio gift to yourself?

Just turned the big 50, and for some 30 years have always wanted a tube based audio system. I have paired a 55 watt SQ-88 integrated tube amp with a pair of Von Schweikert VRjr4's. Very musical combination.Certainly the best birthday present to myself ever. Wondered what special somethin..somethin..others have treated themselves too for their speacial day.
My B'day has come and gone in July,got nothing but older. --- However, I may be the first on my block in December to own Sophia,Series 2's.--Great dealer is going to exchange mine for just the cost of the upgrade.---Yes, at 67 I have been a good boy.
With the upcoming holidays,I guess it's ok to branch out from B'days not in Nov./ Dec.??
I have a friend who turned 50 this summer, and did the same thing. A pair of Green Moutain Audio Callisto's and a Resolution Audio CD player. I'm not sure which amp he bought.
My 5-0 is coming in March. I already know what I'm doing and have advised significant others in case they want to be a part -
1) Levinson 333. I know other things may be different / better, but I always wanted one.
2) Breitling Aerospace (it's a watch). Blue dial with gold accent band. I always wanted one, and I'm going to get it.
3) On the big day I will be skiing at Vail, they will have had 36 inches of fresh powder the night before, and I'll have rented some sweet fat powder skis. End of discussion.