Krell come nobody likes em?

The same companies come up with Intergrateds...Classe, Plinius, Blue Circle, ML, SimAudio, YBA...just curious, how come no love for the Krell stuff? Is it harsh? Can somebody explain the sound to me? Don't hold any punchs, I didn't want to lure a bunch of Krell owners here and sugar coat there intergrateds.
I had the KAV-300i and liked it. For solid state, the Krell used a little less negative feedback than most transistor amps, so it had a surprisingly open midrange and good dynamics. It also had the "signature" Krell solid bass control even if its damping factor was a little high compared with many other transistor amps. Sound stage really improved with bi-wired speaker cables. Compared to other equipment, it seemed to show less change in sound with changes in interconnects, but better quality cables were always apparent. The sound can be just a bit "dry" sounding (often quoted about Krell) with some cables, but a careful choice solved this. It was never harsh or "metallic" sounding. "Build quality" could be improved. I appreciated having both balanced and single-ended inputs on the same amp so that it was compatible with many input devices. A good after-market power cord really improved the sound as well. It was a lot of fun.
I don't get the Krell negatives(is it because they were the best?). Anyhow, I recommend Nuforce amps and the Oritek X-2 interconnects.
If the Pentagon built power amps they would look and sound like Krell.
I had a KAV 300i for awhile. Never fed it anything over 40 Hz and it did O.K. Seemed like cheap junk to me. Macho wrapping around a cheap, flimsy build quality. I think Krell is the penultimate reviewer sell up. There have to be 40 better choices out there.
When you're the best in class you attract all the detractors. Kind of a backhanded complement; I'm sure Dan D'agostino knows this.
And while we're on it, Thiel too.
>>I think Krell is the penultimate reviewer sell up. There have to be 40 better choices out there.<<

There are far more than 40.