Audiogon "Recordings to Die for" a complete summary

Just in case any of you were wondering if I had a life at all, I hereby offer evidence proving that I definitely have no life. I have spent more than 100 hours listing in alphabetical order the submissions to my thread "Audiogon Recordings to Die for." The full list is thirteen complete pages in nine point type single spaced. I estimate people have made more than 600 different suggestions. Not a bad shopping list. Below is a summary of the most often recommended recordings. For this summary I have combined all vinyl and digital listings along with reference to record labels. On my overall list I have broken them out separately. I would like to thank all those who have made suggestions and encourage each of you to continue making more recommendations as you discover other pieces worthy of this list. I also would like to commend all of you for sticking to the rule of only posting music and not comments toward peoples recommendation. "Audiogon Recordings to Die for" is a great asset to us all, keep up the great work.

Updated 31 July 2000

16 Miles Davis "Kind of Blue"
5 Patricia Barber "Cafe Blue"
5 Dire Straits "Brothers In Arms"
4 Eva Cassidy "Live at Blues Alley"
4 Stan Getz &Joao Gilberto "Getz Gilberto"
4 Jacintha "Autumn Leaves" the songs of Johnny Mercer
4 Steely Dan "Aja"
4 Steely Dan "Two Against Nature"
4 Muddy Waters "Folk Singer"
4 Roger Waters "Amused to Death"
3 Cowboy Junkies "Trinity Session"
3 Dire Straits "Love Over Gold"
3 Dire Straits "On Every Street"
3 Peter Gabriel "Us"
3 Lyle Lovett "Joshua Judges Ruth"
3 Pink Floyd "Dark Side Of The Moon"
3 Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here"
3 Sting "Nothing like the Sun"
3 The Who "Who's Next"

Overall List (printer friendly)

Original Thread (post your 2D4's)

Also Patricia Barber: "MOdern COol". She is different, but very, very giftedly so. I haven't heard "cafe .....", but this one is a must buy. If the other one is anything like this one, I would see why she rates so high on this list. This isn't xrcd, but it really doen't have to, it is so dynamic from top to bottom, with total authority and presence, leaving nothing to be desired. I got to see what my system can do, plus enjoy her very intelligent, yet abstract style. It had a small digity twist, but because it came across the way it did, it still remained ***** 5/5 = 100% stars *****!!!!!!! 100% audiophile satisfaction +
emotionally moving, and very, very, very inspiring. There are some very gifted people, only I tend to forget from time to time.
here are just a quick couple--
kraftwerk-electric cafe
robbie robertson-'robbie robertson'
patricia barber-a distortion of love
kurt elling-the messenger
do consider these for your cd list: Yellowjackets/"Time Squared"; Score (not soundtrack!) to "American Beauty"; Celso Fonseca/"Natural"; Brecker Brothers/"Out Of The Loop" (especially tracks 5 and 8); Luciana Souza/"Brazilian Duos". These are really well recorded cds that sound great on my Rega Planet.
Yeah, yeah, enought mit der 'kudos'. What have you done for us lately? Looks like a bunch more came in since July. We need the third quarter update, hint hint. (imagine the sound of a bull whip cracking; ponder the comparative harmonics of the horse whip, or that classical favorite, the cat 'o nine tails) I bought a dozen winners (and no klunkers) from the current list. I can't afford to risk much at todays prices!