Looking for a new powerful amp.

I just purchased a Audio Research Ref 3. Now I'm looking to purchase a new amp. My current speakers are Tannoy system 1200's. the new amp must be able to play very loud at times. the type of music ranges from R&B to Hip Hop to Pop.
I may eventually be changing the speakers to Vandersteens 5a's.
I was thinking maybe a Krell amp???

please give me any feedback you might have on the speakers and amps.
The new krells are really good, but I think the Classe Omicron or Omega are better. I have owned the Krell FPB 700cx, and the Classe Omicron and the omicron is simply more musical with greater resolution and reserve. JMO
Jon p, its hard to give you the information you are seeking because your question is so general. Do you prefer SS vs. tubes, even though you mentioned Krell, if I got my facts straight if you go the the Vandersteen 5a's they have built-in subwoofer amps, so you might not need as much power as you would with other speakers. You have a great new pre-amp, so I would believe that you have a budget that would allow you to audition many reference level amps to match the performance level and cost of the AR Ref 3. I would recommend that you audition such amps as an Edge NL-10.1, Pass LabsX-350.5, or the Ayre's latest amp. They are all wonderful sounding and might be what you are looking for, but your personnal taste and synergy with your gear, would lead to your decision. I went through a process of auditioning over six different amps and decided on the Pass LabsX-350.5 in my system. Hope this helps.