How much is too much...

Basically I have one question and one question only. Give me one rule of thumb when buying a Power Amp. What are the does and does nots :) of buying a power amp?
Most problems occur at the frequency extremes. Most amps do the midrange pretty good but can have shrill HF or bass can be weak or boom.
this is the problem a really good amp that would support a rms of 200 watts (which is suppose to stop clipping) is very expensive. Which is fine but I dont wanna over pay if 100watts would do just fine. The speakers that I may buy are the QUAD 22L or Triangles Antals not sure yet. My listening room is 25'10" X 13'3" with 8' 6" ceiling height.
Hi Thegoldenear, although I have not personally heard either one of the speakers you mentioned above, I would strongly suggest that you go with efficient speakers if you don't want to invest in costlier amps that are over 100 watts per channel. I am guessing that the above mentioned speakers are efficient?

In regards to amplification I would have to agree with Banksfriend, once you buy speakers, try different amps to see what sound best suits you. That is why Audiogon exists, you can buy & sell till you find what your looking for. If you were to run a thread on whats the best amplifier, you will get at least a 100 different answers. If I could take the best attributes of each different amp I have heard and combine them into one amp I would have the perfect amplifier. For the forementioned reasons, set rules don't apply.

The best suggestion I can make is, do your research and read the reviews on any given amp to get an idea what most people think, what speakers their using & try to avoid impulse buying which can be a tall order for some of us. But if push comes to shove I would recommend Odyssey (Germany's Symphonic Line but USA made) or the McCormacks (The iron fist in a velvet glove), both being well reviewed, and well loved by many audiophiles without breaking the bank. Also I love the newer Mcintosh but a little spendier.
you should first determine the efficiency of your speaker. this maybe obtained form the manufacturer. then assess the size of your of your room. Is it alive or dead? walk through your room and clap your hands. is the sound loud and crisp or is it muffled?
What type of music do you like? Rock and classical require more power than jazz or chamber music.
Typically tube amps have a greater percieved loudness than solid state. If you are serious bass fan I strongly reccomend biamping.
Because amplifier power is such a huge selling point most manufacturers manipulate the rating to achieve the maximum watts per channel. this means you will have to make your own evaluation. You can rely on certain companies like krell or bryston just to name two.
A lot of people think spec's don't matter. I think you eliminatwe those amps that are not technically correct.then listen to the speaker amp combo in your room.
The Triangle Antals are easy to drive well, and only draw a little extra current at the low end of the scale.
So a well designed amp spec'd at 50-100W with a good PS should do famously.

Symphonic Line is one amp that sounds excellent with these spkrs, so the Odyssey mentioned above may be worthy of seious consideration.