NAGRA PL-L owner Question S

I recently purchased the Nagra PL-L after read the comment fr the member (Artg), get a good deal fr here and just send to Canada, it sounds really good as Artg discribed, since
I am a newbee, can someone suggest me some ideas how to improve the sound quality?? Good Powercord make any difference on this (it operate by DC..)

I also noticed that the DC supply ACPS run little warm when operate for few hrs, is that normal??

Also the DC meter sits on the lower end of the green area but not on the middle, is that normal too, what is other user's setting?? According to the manual, the green area is fr 11.6V to 13V....

I am confused by the page " ELECTRONIC SERVICES

Does it mean there is a EXTRA fuse inside the power
supply and also inside the plastic bag??Do I need to
OPEN the power supply and take the EXTRA fuse out??if
there is a plastic bag inside the power supply, I am
afraid it will be melt because the power supply run a
little bit warm.

Meter reading is OK. Rarely, do you ever get to an 11V output with domestic electronics.

I believe the fuse is protected by a plastic enclosure so that, if it blows, the debris is contained.

Kal is correct on both counts. Here are a few other thoughts based on my experience with my PLL:

It can be optimized in several regards: First: roll the tubes. The stock tubes are quiet, but otherwise really nothing special. I am using a single Cryoed 50's vintage Phillips Miniwatt 12AT7 (purchased from tubeworld) and (2) Mullard 10M Gold Pin 12AX7's. I know others have had very nice results using Mullard long plate 12AX7's, telefunken ECC803S and smooth plate tele 12ax7's and older vintage RCA 12AX7's as well. I tried Bugle Boy 12AX7's, but they had waaay too much upper midrange presence for this preamp. I also tried the telefunken ECC801S at the 12AT7 position, and it was nice, but a bit more analytical than the Cryo'd Phillips Miniwatt. You should plan on experimenting some to optimize it to your tastes, and this takes time but the rewards are well worth it....

As for PC's. I am currently using the Kubala-Sosna Emotion and recommend it highly. I have also used the Electraglide epiphany (a bit too 'clean,' but whoa all that detail comes through) and Isoclean (smooth and warm tonal balance, lost some detail). I feel the K-S is a nice in-between point for them. I also plug it in to an Isoclean 80A3 power conditioner, which also smoothes things out a bit.

I personally found the PLL to be exceedingly neutral, almost to a fault. Even though its tubed, it does not add any euphonics, forgive poor recordings or problems elsewhere in the signal chain, especially any brightness (read digital source). Its not as inherently smooth as some other preamps out there, but properly tweaked and matched, it provides peerless transparency, neutrality and just a hint of warmth (properly tweaked, that it).

Hope that helps.
Artg -> how can a power cord influence a battery powered amp ?

BTW - I have VPAs at home right now on dealer loan.
Elberoth, the PL-L is NOT battery powered the way the PL-P is, it has a separate pwoer supply that gets its juice from the wall. No battery involved....

On the VPA's, do they have stock tubes in them (I would imagine so). There are significant imporvements to be had by rolling bot htthe internal (one 7119 and two 12ax7 per amp), and the 845 tubes......
Artg -> you are 100% right - I thought you were talking about the battery powered PL-P.

My VPAs have KR845 tubes installed from the factory.