Issues with EAC

Anyone notice issues were EAC has missed ripping some tracks on a CD?
I've been using EAC for over three years and I have not noticed any problems. 300+ cds converted to FLAC. You may want to remove and re-download. Check settings, etc.
Try dbpoweramp with Accurate Rip enabled. It's better IMO.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Cerrot, are you actually missing the tracks or are they just not showing up in your program? I notice that depending on how I search my digital music database, that sometimes songs don't show up. My example is that when I arrange by artist (album covers/names show) and are arranged in order by the artist's name (not album name). In some of these instances in which a song on an album was performed by another artist or even the main artist but featuring a second/other artist, the songs don't show up! My experience (I use Mac and iTunes) is that when I display my music by album sort vs. artist sort, this is not a factor.
They are not on the hard drive. Crazy. I am now using dBPower and it hasn't missed a track.