Quicksilver V4 w/ Vandersteen 5 A

I am considering pairing the V4 w/ my 5A speakers. I have heard them in a dealers showroom driving the 5A and was quite impressed. I was wondering if any of you have had any experience in going from a formiddable ( o.k. - more expensive ) tube amp to the V4 or made any comparisons of the V4 against such competitors as BAT, VAC, or CJ ... I am also taking the Mcintosh 2102 seriously as another option. I am looking for reliability, which I feel confident I would get in both the Mcintosh and the Quicksilver lines. My priorities also include a gorgeous natural midrange tonality, harmonic texture and a wide /deep soundstage. Thanks in advance for your opinions.
Hi Fjn04, I've been able to do several comparisons with V4s on Model 5s. I can always set up another on 5As, but the outcome will be the same. For RELIABLE tube amps, I can only recommend the Quicksilver. For better sound than the V-4s you should consider a new BEL 1001 Mk V. Yes, it's solid state, but you won't miss the tubes. It's the same price and will handily out perform V-4s. If you want to spend more money you can only buy "different" from there IMHO.
Hmm...that didn't work very well.

Here is the KT88SC ... http://www.pentalaboratories.com/product.asp?dept%5Fid=5020&pf%5Fid=KT88SC+SHUGUANG

...and here is the Tube Asylum ...

I'm using Ayre - gets pretty darn close to luscious tube sound, yet has the muscle and stability for Vandersteens. Why do you think Ayre and Vandersteens are paired in the Ayre factory sound room, and during shows....
I am driving a pair of Sforzando JL-1's with the V4's on the satellites and a Sonogy Black Knight for the bass duties. Since the 5A has a bass amp included, the 120 Wpc from the V4's should be all you need. They will be my last amp.
I'm using a Platinum Modded McCormack DNA-225 with my 5's and it is one of the finest combos I've ever heard - SS or tube. Next stop - monoblock 225's.