Bob Crump passes away over holiday.

I'm sad to say that I never met the man in person. The all too few phone calls, emails, and brief exchanges at the Asylum tell me that I missed out on quite a bit. I totally enjoyed his quirky, fun-loving, crusty, yet generous, disposition. He was quite a character.
Bob and I have been friends for 25 years. He was a tremendous asset to the Audio community and will be greatly missed.
that is indeed very sad. he was a very nice gentleman with a great sense of humour.

I use two of his excellent SLVR cables in my system
What a great guy. When I first tried my hand at DIY'ing cables 4-5 years ago, he was always willing to take the time to explain the finer details of design/building over on Audio Asylum. Terrific guy with a great sense of humor.

Mt hats off to a good man who lived a good life. So long, Bob.

What a great guy, he was so much fun to hang out with. He loved all sorts of music and liked to disrupt the audiophile status flow. He'll be missed, RIP Bob.