Bob Crump passes away over holiday.

Bob and I have been friends for 25 years. He was a tremendous asset to the Audio community and will be greatly missed.
that is indeed very sad. he was a very nice gentleman with a great sense of humour.

I use two of his excellent SLVR cables in my system
What a great guy. When I first tried my hand at DIY'ing cables 4-5 years ago, he was always willing to take the time to explain the finer details of design/building over on Audio Asylum. Terrific guy with a great sense of humor.

Mt hats off to a good man who lived a good life. So long, Bob.

What a great guy, he was so much fun to hang out with. He loved all sorts of music and liked to disrupt the audiophile status flow. He'll be missed, RIP Bob.
I'll raise my glass to him as well. We spoke a number of times on the phone, and he was a real pleasure to talk with. We shared much of our political outlook, and as everyone says, he was always generous with his advice.

My two regrets are that I never got to meet him in person and that the deal for a Blowtorch never came to fruition because of his increasing health problems.

He was one of a kind, and the universal warmth with which he is remembered speaks volumes about the true nature of the man. The world is a poorer place without him.