Tuner for Jolida 502B

Just got a Jolida int amp and will need a tuner to match. Currently running Vandersteen 1c's. Any recommendations?
I have the Jolida tuner, along with a 302B amp, and after swapping the Chinese tubes for Tung-Sol 12AX7s, the sound improved markedly. The driver tubes by the way are EH 12AT7s, yes this unit has four tubes. I left those in there.

Balanced, smooth sound and extension, great sensitivity, selectivity. All in all a great bargain and it meets your criteria for a match.
i've got a couple tuners attached to my 502A - a Technics ST-8077 (solid-state analog tuner) & a Sansui TU-D99X (digital tuner). Both sound very nice thru the 502A. The Sansui is more sensitive than the Technics by 10-20%. Am using an indoor rabbit ears antenna.
If you can find an Accuphase T-100 you will experiance FM nirvana. It is not digital so you will have to spin the knob to change stations but when you get locked onto a good station (do these exist any more?) you will be very happy.

Good luck!