Dartzeel amp lives up to hype

I purchased a fully broken in Dartzeel about a week ago to drive the Von Schweikert VR-7SE. I was concerned about the 100w power rating and was put to ease when I switched it on. Powerful tight bass and the sweetest midrange and delicate highs one could hope for. Transparency is way ahead of all other amps I've had. Definitely lives up to the reviews.
Glide3, do you have an update on the darTZeel amp now that it's had a chance to break in? I just bought the amp and pre-amp myself. Expect the amp to arrive next week and the pre-amp in late January / early February.

I heard the Dartzeel and VR9 combination at the CES 2006 and was very dissappointed with the soundstaging and tonality. The dynamics and bass were staggering on rock/pop, the walls were shaking..just like a rock/pop concert. Traditional instruments did not impress.

Please post any further opionions of these products especially how they compare to the CES sound. I am considering the VR9

regards rumney
Norm, Earflappin,
I've had the Dart. for about 35 days and have had it running in for about 20 of those 30day...they say it needs 30 days to get where it's going...so I'll wait a bit for any more detailed response but it already sounds good to me. I've ordered the Dart. pre-amp as it just makes too much sense :-)
It really does seem to be a nice blend of the virtues of tube and SS. I still like my DNM a bit better at low volumes (with high eff. spkr)... perhaps unfair as I have the full DNM system and will better judge when I get the Dart pre. The Dart is very, very musical.

Kurt, thanks for the update! I hope to get my amp tomorrow and I will post later with my impressions. Herve told me that my amp already had some good burn in time on it so hopefully it will sound reasonable out of the box.

Sorry...what does DNM stand for?
DNM is an equipment brand name...it also represents the initials of the equipment designer and company owner.. Denis N. Morecroft.
Mr Morecroft is an accomplished engineer who has pioneered in the areas of capacitor design, 3D circuit design and the effects of eddy current on audio signals....among other things
His equipment, while not too well known in the US (a shame), is quite highly regarded in other parts of the world.
I Think it is just fantastic and would recommend it to anyone with the right speakers (90db+)
I believe the Dartzeel is an overall more refined product and certainly more impressive looking. But the DNM **as a system** is not embarassed. I make this statement before hearing the Dartzeel system so I reserve the right to change my mind :-). It is also fair to say that the DNM amp/preamp (top of the line) is 50% the cost of the Dart combo...but of course we all know how dearly one must pay for that last bit.