Steinway57- tell your dealer friend it's time to retire- his ears are no longer functioning properly. Thank him for the 30+ years of serving our community.
Fmpnd- If you already have the SST, there should be plenty of warnings in the instructions about the consequences if the product is misused or applied incorrectly. I feel some people don't realize that once you use it on a female XLR or RCA input (like on an amplifier input), how do you remove it from inside the female inputs? Subsequent connections of new male cable pins or cleaned and treated male pins with SST will not prevent the excess build-up inside the female pins. Once too much "highly conductive paste" builds up inside where you can't see it, I would imagine the potential for disaster is high. The ONLY place I would use SST or similar products is where the paste could be completely removed from BOTH contacting points (both inside and out) thereby preventing any build up. Even if used only once, an excessive amount of paste can build up if not applied cautiously. Good luck.