I would never in my wildest dreams describe the darTZeel NHB-108 as the flavor of the month. More like the flavor of the century. I have heard many amps including some of the best from Pass, Audio Research, VTL, conrad-johnson, Lamm, Mark Levinson, ASR Emitter Exclusive, McIntosh, and others too numerous to mention. Nothing could have prepared me for the sound my speakers would produce being driven by the darTZeel. The darT leaves nothing to be desired, only to be imagined, even compared to the world's best tube amps. As great as the other amps are from the fore-mentioned manufacturers, the darT is at least 15% - 20% better. In the world of ultra high end that's a lot! Take it from me, it's impossible to form any opinion on the darT without hearing one in your system. The USA importer can not sell this amp properly over the phone because if he really told you what it's capable of, everyone would write him off as exaggerating. I bought the amp and the pre-amp is on order.