B&K ST 202+

I am new here and I have a few questions. I have an old B&K St 202+ amp and a matching Pro 5 pre. The amp works great and in fact, it is too powerful for the PSB B25's that I used to test it. The preamp has a burned out power light and the lettering on the units is blue. The RCAs on the back of the amp are not marked and I have no way of knowing how much power there really is. These units were built by a B&K employee for my former neighbor. I do not need this much power and I am leaning toward a smaller Arcam and Rotel system in the near future. This equipment seems in pretty good shape and does it have any value? How do I know the wattage?
Thanks for your feedback. I have read several reviews of the DNA 0.5 and If I get one, that may be enough for now. They seem to make wonderful preamps also. This B&K equipment sounds good in its own right, so I can imagine the McCormack sounding even better. What are your thoughts on using a McCormack pre with a B&K amp? That is of course If I don't sell this 202.
I would definitely keep the 202, its an outstanding amp and will serve you well as a backup or for a 2nd system. You rarely see these for sale and for good reason, they are fantastic amps.
I am finding that out. The B&K 202 sounds awesome. I live in a small loft apartment and I am using PSB Image B25's spaced about 8' apart and they are singing. I was using a Yamaha Receiver and now I put that away...no comparison. It was like some sort of divine intervention occured. I do not live far from B&K Headquarters but I never paid much attention to them. I grew up on old Marantz amps and later on NAD. This unit puts any NAD amp I had to shame. I don't know the exact year this equipment was built, but my former neighbor is friends with some B&K technicians who built this for him. The sound is very warm and transparent. I probably will sell the stuff (I am going to) and perhaps move on to McCormack. I also want to get some PSB Stratus Mini's and I will sell the B25's or put them in one of the other rooms. I wish I could trade the B&K stuff for the PSB's. I also have receivers laying around. Its funny, I walked into a showroom several months ago and almost convinced myself to purchase a Rotel RX-1052. It was the best sounding receiver I have ever heard but now I am addicted to seperates!!!
Frisco...before you take the plunge into other gear...at least do a home demo vs. your current B&K gear...you may be surprised...a good amp is good amp is regardless of vintage...and the few B&K pieces I have heard were extremely pleasing to my ears...good luck...
Your support of the B&k gear is refreshing. If I stay in this forum, I am going to be talked into keeping everything!! Ha! The truth of the matter is that I do not possess the capital I did a year ago. I am addictive when it comes to electronics thats for sure. I used to build computers and I switched 2-3 times a year. I suppose I just want something new. I am anxious to hear some other lines. This amp does seem to be rare...at least not as plentiful as it used to be. Another thing, I do not not believe the previous owner realized what a good "music" piece this is. I used to hear him blasting heavy metal on some huge Klipsch. He didn't even know how to hook it up properly.