neither. all you are going to do is just add the new equipments sound into the room. i would look into one of the tact room correction units for sale on audiogon. it took me a long time to realize new gear does not change the real problem and thats the room. correct room problems and hear for the first time what your gear really sounds like. even minor room corrections makes a significant improvement to gear that even new gear cannot match. after doing the room correction thing then you can decide over time what gear you think is the weak link. most likely it will be the speakers and and avoid B&W. one thing about them until there new D line is they are tipped on the top which causes a brightness to the sound. not something you want to bring into a room that already needs correction. one speaker that is getting their rightful due is tyler acoustics. have two pairs of their top of the line woodmere's and their tyler signature monitors with stands. after 30 yrs finally found a speaker thats a keeper and you can find them right on audiogon when you are ready. go for room correction so you will have it with every gear change in the future.