amp and pre for Soundlab M-1's

Any suggestions for an amp& preamp for the Soundlab M-1's? I am currently using an Audio Aero Capitole CD player directly into Parasound JC1's. The sound is great but not enough volume. I also need four inputs on the preamp.
Most Sound Lab owners probably prefer tubes, but I am quite happy with my Accuphase amp and preamp combination.
A CTC Blowtorch or an Atma-Sphere MP-1 Mk.III would be a great choice. I know of a couple of the former that are available.
The very best sound I've heard from Soundlabs was with Viva electronics driving them. Astonishing. This combo readily proves how bogus most power ratings are as applied to the ability to drive a speaker.

If you can eval the Vivas in your system, I'd think it would be worth your time to check them out.
Tubes108, are you thinking of the setup Jim Aud used a few years ago at the show? It sounded good, but unfortunately the amps clipped without too much provocation. Good power supplies help, however power and dB are related logarithmically, so the laws of physics still apply.