Has anyone had trouble with stereophile magazine?

I renewed my subcription for two years in January and have not been sent the last three issues. Their customer service department admitted that they had received my payment 2nd week of January. I would like to point out that I e-mailed them twice without response and had to call and wait on hold for 15-20 min. to get the information that I do have. I still do not have my issues and they will only send me jan,feb,mar if I pay extra for them. I hesitate to pay them anything in the future.
I had the same problem with the October, 2001 issue. Sent a couple of e-mails via their web site - never received a response. I ended up doing a lot of traveling after that so never phoned to follow up and frankly, had forgotten about it until I saw this thread. Guess I didn't miss it that much. Hmmm.
Stereophile is "morphing" into a high volume slick, and the days of personal and good service are a thing of the past IMO-- regrettably. Craig
That was the same issue I never received and was told they were sold out of. Another instance when I did not receive an issue they told me that it would take 4-6 week for me to get it. I ended up purchasing it off the shelf. About half of the issues I receive throughout the year I have seen on the retail shelves several days before I receive my issue....have gotten use to it, but doesn't mean I enjoy it.
Forget about e-mailing them! You must call.
I had the same problems and I had call waitings (calling) from Germany!
BUT then after the third call ever since each issue is in my hands one to three days before the first of the month ! So that shows they can do something. Of course they prolonged my subscription every time I called and complained.
If it was your loss Wstritt you must decide yourself. For myself there isn't any other high end magazine which is more fun to read from cover to cover in spite or even because of its controversal issues.
My girlfriend renewed my sub without my knowledge, and the Jan-March issues failed to show. I haven't bothered to email or anything. They aren't worth any hassle to me. I like reading the magazines to see what is coming out/going on, but Stereophile just sucks in too many categories, including the topic of this thread.