whatz up with tape input/outputs?

Does anyone share this line of thought? Are there that many tape users that almost every preamp/intergrated...regardless of price...still has these functions? Can these inputs/outputs be used for anything else? I had a newer NAD intergrated that 2 sets of tape i/os!...and didnt have a phono section! Anyways...with the current trend toward simplicity and pure sound(at least at my price point)...I think eliminating these at the entry level might be beneficial,,,or am I out to lunch? talk to me audiogoners....happy holidays....
Do you have any experience with EQ or better yet the dynamic range expanders like DBX products and if so what can I expect fron a unit like that soundwise? There was one for sale the other day,and I was thinking about getting it.
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I use my tape in/out to connect my computer to the rest of the system. It functions almost exactly as a tape deck would - I record the occasional piece of vinyl to the hard drive, and I play the occasional MP3 or Internet radio stream. Like Riffer, at this point I would never buy a preamp with a tape loop. I always seem to end up using them, and they can't be added later...

I use the tape out to send a dvd signal to my TV......... So I can listen to movies with out my whole system being on. It comes in handy.