Replace a Yamaha Cr 840 with a Yamaha,NAD, Denon?

I have an old CR 840 that a channel drops out after it heats up for 30 minutes. Need to replace. I listened to a Yamaha RX 777 and a NAD 320bee and a Denon. I have a pair of ADS L710 and L810 spaekers. I love the warm sound of the old Yamaha. What's good reciever for $500??? Thanks
I'm using a Sony TA-AX6 Int. amp from the 80's w/my ADS L-500's and the combination sounds superb. Newer receivers sound so much different from the older ones. Brought home to demo a Yamaha AX-596 Int. amp against the Sony and the Yamaha went quickly back! If your able to find an 80's Sony "Legato" Rec/Int. amp go for it. The Sony rec's will have the convience of station prests, which I believe was missing w/the CR 840? If you're looking for something new w/a remote, consider a Marantz Receiver. Good Luck. Bill.
Why not get the Yammie fixed? I have an 840 and besides being well built and beautiful (love those green lights), it sounds very nice. Shouldn't be too much, probably only a couple hundred bucks. Get it aligned too and you've got a great unit for many years.

I was just singing the praises of the RX777 in another thread. Yamaha gets my kudos for still making great quality budget integrated stereo amps in an age of surround sound. The triple 7 and it's tunerless buddy the AX596 offer surprising value. When I was still in the biz, I used to demo the Totem Arros or Sttaf run by the AX596 and it was a remarkable budget 2-channel package.
Take a look at Outlaw Audio's RR2150 . I just replaced a Marantz 2240 receiver that I was using in a bedroom system with the Outlaw. What impresses me the most about the Outlaw is just how good its tuner section is. Not only does the tuner pull in a ton of FM stations cleanly (with just a set of rabbit ears ... no mean trick in NYC), but the tuner sounds just as warm and musical as the vintage receivers do. From first impressions, the amp section on the Outlaw is pretty sweet as well.

For background, I had purchased the Marantz on eBay three years ago for about $250. I spent about $225 to professionally refurbish it and now some of the capacitors are starting to go. I just did not want to drop more cash on a 30 year old receiver.

Regards, Rich
I noticed from a previous post of yours that you at one time had a NAD c320bee. You may still have it. I have a c320bee with Dynaudio A42's in my bedroom. The 50W is plenty of power for me. I feel it lacks resolution. Other than the addition of a tuner section how would you compare the two? Any thoughts would be appreciated. BTW I looked on Outlaw's website and see that the RR2150 is currently out of stock.