please help, I need a good cd player used is ok

I just purchase a Denon DVD-910, it has really good picture quality (Fajouda chip), but in the cd quality sound, I don't satisfy much, and I am thinking about the Rotel RCD-855 or something like that. Any advise from anyone would be a big pleasure for me. My budget is $250 or less, thanks again !
An NAD C320 BEE used runs $200 or so. You can get a new one for $300. I think you will be hard pressed to find anything better for the money.
Hello, for the Onix scd-88, how much is it brandnew?

I have one more question: do we need to replace the clock also as I see in the other threads ? and how do the opamp and the clock look like ? easy to replace?

what kind of clock and opamp is good? is the opmap 627bp, 627 ap good? thanks

Best wishes for the new year ! "-).......
XCD-88 has been discontinued, but they may still have some B stock. Call AV123 to find out. Also, AV123 has a forum with a classified section, and used ones occasionally show up there. Good luck.
I was advised by technical "experts" in the past that a CD player is the one item that one should not purchased used. I am just passing on what was told to me from a couple of fellows who have been selling audiophile gear at established retail storefronts for over 50 years collectively, consistently selling McIntosh among other more $$ gear.