Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I have tried many cables before, some in the price range you have specified and others that are considerably more. In my opinion, the Jaden Standard interconnects are high quality cables and would do well in a high quality audio system. These cables are not only priced right, they are the real deal! Ric Cummins really has a firm understanding in designing and manufacturing cables.

Although Ric has introduced the Signature and Pursang cable line, the standards should not be taken lightly because they are truly very good cables.
You really ought to check out sonoran ic's at I bought them on a tip from a friend in the business who had them in his home but didn't carry them in the store he worked at. Awesome quality. They also can be found as an audiogon dealer.
I owned the Acoustic Zen Hologram speaker cables and they are one of the biggest cables I've ever seen. However, they were a mother to fit onto the terminals.
If biggest and badest is what you want, try the Stage III Vacuum Reference cables. They were recently, very positively reviewed on SoundStage. I agree with the review that their detail is very realistic.
I gave up on Transparent cables for several years and tried almost everything else available...just went back to Transparent Ultra and reference level MM cables...aint no comparison, they are theee best cables made by man...period!!!!!