Aesthetix Calypso -vs- Ayre K-1Xe preamps?

I was just wondering if anyone out there has owned both, or compared the Aesthetix Calypso and the Ayre K-1Xe preamps?
What are their sonic differences, advantages, and disadvantages in comparison to one another?
Which one do you feel would match best with Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblock amps?
Thanks in advance.
Audio girl
It's off subject and I hope you get your answer but have to ask a question and make one comment.First do you play LP's a lot and find calypso incrporated enough of the Rhea into it?(I maybe wrong but thought Calypso was not just a line stage but full LP player as well).And aren't we talking glass verusus solid state?Me I alwayss thought that glass went better in center to adjust voltage but tube amps i have had in poast would lack bass controll and defintely (at same price point) roll off highs.Think I would consider what else I was going to put into mix.Hope you get you head who has done a head to head.