Chazzbo, the Calypso is linestage only. The Aesthetix Janus is the full function preamp in the line.
Mikesinger, the reliability of the Aesthetix is just fine from all I hear. And as self-disclosure, I'm a very satisfied owner of an Aesthetix Io Signature.
Audio_girl, you may have some difficulty getting a response to your specific question because you've paired two specific pieces that not many will have had an opportunity to directly compare. The Ayre certainly has a good reputation, so does the Aesthetix. From what I've read and heard, the differences will be qualitative and preference will strongly depend on one's listening priorities. For example, I just could never give up those things that I've only heard excellent tube electronics do. For me, excellent tube gear delivers a magic 'naturalness' to the sound that I never hear in solid state at any level. I consistently hear a difference in the rendering of the harmonic overtones of instruments and the microdynamics that makes a meaningful difference to me. Since I listen almost entirely to acoustic music (classical primarily), the natural rendering of acoustic instruments is important to me, and tubes more often get this right for me. FWIW, the Aesthetix gear is some of the best at getting this right of any I've listened to over my 30+ years in this hobby.
But, none of this answers the specific question you asked. Hopefully someone in the community will be able to give you some thoughts based on having actually heard both the K-1Xe and the Calypso.