Musical Fidelity and Sonus Grand Piano too bright.

Hi All,

I'm finding that this set-up is a little on the bright side (acoustic guitar especially). Sometimes I get ear fatiuge. Everything is all burned in. I've had all the equipment for over one year.

I'm considering changing all the electronics, but not sure where to start. I'm looking for SS stuff with a tube-like sound. My price range would be something comparable to the MF stuff. My only contraint is that my new electronics must have an HT bypass.

My system consists of the following:
1)Sonus Grand Piano Home (not Domus);Walls & Solo
2)Musical Fidelity A308 Integrated
3)MF A3.24 DAC
4)Synergistic Alpha Quad Interconnects and Speaker Cables.


My point is simply that you have no experience with the equipment in question and are too quick to suggest an overly simple solution to a well-known issue.
I thought it was common knowledge that damping at the first and second reflection points was (nearly) mandatory, unless one has a rather large room. I doubt that that has changed, regardless of equipment. HP, whose room I have been in, has damping at the first and second reflection points ALL the time -- and this is in his main room, with the AGR speakers.
Electronics simply sound brightER in a non-damped room; they WILL sound bright, period, if they ARE bright,unless the partnering electronics have a droop in the treble.
I've used Tube Traps since 1986, as well as RPG reflectors, and I can't imagine any room less than 15' wide not needing reflection at the first (and second!) reflection points. To NOT be doing this is throwing money away: one is simply hearing the room, not the equipment at its best
Ghunter - 99% chance of room problems, the MF piece is fine. Room acoustics are WAY more real than audiophile amp-inherent brightness.
GHunter - thank you for clarifying your response. Yes, I do not have any experience with that equipment. And I have had electronics that sounded really awful.
The poster (tghooper) mentions nothing about his room, so I couldn't know if he has his SF speakers in a gymnasium or an overly-damped 'English Library' with books, fireplace, persian rugs and smoking jacket to boot.
That said, after owning those terrible amplifiers I had (which I won't mention), and having what I considered a good room, I switched to a smoother amp (McIntosh) and it made all the difference in the world.
There are a lot of shades of gray in this hobby.
When I bought my Sonu Faber Grans Piano (Original)

I heard them through the Musical Fidelity 308 with a Naim CD5. The cabling for the speaker was the Cardas Golden Cross. No brightsound at all, that why I bough the Sonus Faber on the spot.