Audioari1, I'm still waiting for you to address my questions to you in terms of you trashing Jadis integrateds.
I understand and can appreciate your fondness for the DK product. While not in the camp that is anti - DK, I will also say that whatever measurement is thrown out as being relevant, it's the way a component reproduced MUSIC, and not things such as square waves, that means the most to me.
I don't listen to square waves, so I am less concerned about them then perhaps other people. If I'm choosing between two products, one that does a terrific job on a square wave then another, but the latter sounds better when I put music through it, I'll buy the second 1000 times out of 1000. Whatever people think of me for that is fine.
Now, back to Jadis. You disparaged the products in comparison with the DK. That's fine, if you have actually heard the Jadis amplifiers you listed, we just chalk it up to my audio mantra, "that's why they make vanilla AND chocolate." However, please tell me the actual Jadis pieces you have encountered, and what their issues were. Please understand that there are members on this site who do not sit back while products they respect, as you do with the DK, are pooh poohed. I listen to a lot of audio products, and have my own ranking for them. Most of the time, I understand personal preferences, but statements like the DK walking over the Jadis products you listed I think need to be fleshed out.
I owned an Orchestra Reference for 6 years, and currently own a DA30 and DA60. In the period that I have purchased the two I own now, I could have bought a DK, and while again, I like the DK, you see where I put my money. Briefly, in my own biased opinion, the list of products that play music better than Jadis is an INCREDIBLY small one. I admire the DK, and Larry Staples and I are friends (what a good man), but I'm sorry, I have to tell you I think the DK is not on that list. It's not trashing the product by any means, as I don't really encounter products that do beat the Jadis.