Anyone out there

I have been thinking about "downgrading" my main 2 channel system. Am I a fool?
I have been enjoying a BAT VK75SE for the past half year being driven by a Theta Miles and driving a pair of North Creek Rhythm Revelators Sigs. There really is nothing wrong with this system and it offers everything I value in listening, in short, I love it. However, I have a 2 year old son who knows how to touch things and say "Hot!" and I have a listening room that has the system on one side and a TV on the other. Integrating the tv to my main rig seems sinful but inevitable. I also have the desire to set up a second system in a different area of the house that we spend most of our time in. So extra cash from the "downgrade" may be put to a good use. May result in more time in front of the stereo!

So to make a long story short... Does anyone have a recommendation for an integrated amp that would provide musical pleasure and fit nicely into or on top of a rack away from fingers? This would replace my lovely VK75Se and also eventually take inputs from a cable box (argh!!!) and a DVD player.

I'm thinking about the Bat Integrated, the Cary SLI80 or the YBA Passion. Of the three I've only listened to the BAT and never in my system. Any experience with these units compared to the VK75se? I would prefer to stick to tubes, I would prefer at least one balanced input on the integrated.

Thanks for any opinion. -Karl_desch
Unison Unico int amp is outstanding. Dont let the $900 used price fool you as it is wonderful.

Forgive me for offering advise other than what you requested. Perhaps a different cabinet/rack might resolve your immedeate dilema. You could purchase a rack that would accomodate your TV, offer appropriate ventilation for your audio gear and have locking doors to prevent access to prying little fingers.
"Integrating the tv to my main rig seems sinful but inevitable."

I know, and I feel your pain. Some things just aren't fair, dang it! Although I will say this: I "defiled" my Intuitive Design Summits with a movie soundtrack recently and the results were BREATHTAKING! So, some clouds have a silver lining! :)
hi, we think we're on same both, i have a 4 and 18 months..and the 18 months old understands and knows HOT...

I had a BAT tube amp and pre amp...but have since unloaded the pre-amp. and the amp were in boxes until recently...and are now on the market..

(side note: they do make a tube cage for the bat vk75se, contact victor for detail, this was share with me by a gon member here, john)

as for the Yba passion..i had opportunity to purchase it, however, imho...the pre takes a back seat to the amp. and if coming from bat...well, i think it may disappoint...

also, like you, i am downgrading..but i rather call it due to space consideration, two: the tubes and toddlers just don't mix, and three: wife has decide junior is to take piano lesson and thus we are now in market for a piano...and my HT/listening room/living room will house the grand piano....

to answer your question, most logical would be the bat integrated...
Have to agree with Unsound. Rather than 'throw the baby out with the bathwater', I would try to get the amp up off the floor, high enough to avoid curious probing hands. The 75SE seems to be the only piece which could cause harm to the innocent. Switching components may provide a safer environment yet breed discontent down the road, given that you are so content with the system's sound. Good luck.