Audion Sterling MKI Integrated tube

This is my first foray into tubes. I'm purchasing this baby from an Audiogoner who, also, has the ZuCable Definitions 1.5s (and the Druids, as well) which are the speakers I am waiting on delivery. The paint is dry and they are doing some of the break in for me with their Ibis cables which I am also purchasing. Not being a "tuber" I'm wondering if any of you fellow tubmen (or women)have had experience with this amp, or know anything about it from others. It is coming with some very serious tubes: Vintage Golden Lion KT 88s and some othe nos tubes that I can't remember the names of. This may be the end (you know that will never be the case) of my tube journey or just the beginning, but it is very exciting. 101db speakers coupled to 18 SET watts per: hopefully it will be a good marraige. Anything on this, tube tips, etc, would be appreciated. thanks in advance, warren :)
Hello Warren;
I have owned 2 Audion Sterling integrateds, and they are a nice sounding SET for the used price point. The KT 88's are the way to go on the output tubes, it sounds much better with them than any EL34's in this amp. Amperex on the input tubes, and for the driver tube, Tung-Sol.
The Sterling has pretty good detail and nice transient attack, but channel separation is not too good. Imaging is not it's strong point. I have a suggestion for you with the Druids that may be a better match, and it is also quite affordable... Drop me an e-mail when you get a chance-
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Warren, welcome to tubes and congratulations on the Audion Sterling.

Darkmoebius(nice name, huh) uses an Audion Sterling with EL34 and he has a nice collection of tube amps going, taking Terry Cain's advice on using multiple amps to another level...

Well, and if you decide tubes are not for you - i.e. the end of your tube journey - there are always Nelson Pass' First Watt creations, that are made for speakers like yours :)


nah, not yet. Firstly, it is nice to hear from first hand experience regarding the Sterling. It will take more than that to take the wind out of my sails. Also, as little as I know, I have learned that tube synergy is very important and Cobra213 (Phil) knows his tubes and their Definition 1.5 relationship. It is definately a start, and when I get my APL, the sound will change again. Very high class situation I've got here. Since I don't have a tube refferent, I must go by some trusted first hand tympanics to get me started. Who better than a tuber who owns the very speaker I'm purchasing. Can't beat that with a stick, for a start.
Warren, the anticipation seems to be killing you. I am the same way. My wife notices that I can stay up late working on getting a new amp, CDP or whatever the tweak is set-up but that I am usually too tired to fix anything else around the house. I am sure that you will love the sound - it will give you a new perspective/reference and sandbox to play in.