Is There a New version of Logitech Media Server?

I noticed a messsage on my music server yesterday indicating a new version of Logitech Media Server was available. Have not had a chance to investigate further yet.

That surprised me in that Logitech no longer produces Squeezebox clients for the server and I had not noticed any updates available for quite a while.

So is this a legit update? Who is supporting the server these days and doing updates? Logitech still?

If anyone knows anything about this, please chime in.

Hmmm. Yesterday I was unable to connect to (and thus access Pandora and MOG) for an hour or so, then fine. Sorry to be of no help!
I received the message, too. Don't do it! It started to install and then crashed during install. Had to go find previous version and re-install. It was strange! Maybe user error, but I don't think so.
Here is the opening post, decide for yourself.

["Which is 7.7.3
It does not work and when I called tech help the guy said that they are attempting a software fix and meanwhile there is no tech help being offered and no way back to the previous version.
He also said in all the time he has worked at their tech dept he has never ever seen so many calls coming in all for the same problem."]
I had one instance in the past where a LMS upgrade caused problems more than it helped in my case running on common Windows platform.

Everything has been working well, so I will be holding off for now until things are reported as more stable.

My gut not jump into new updates to software that is no longer making money for anyone....

Are the older versions still downloadable? Ability to reinstall an older version if a problem would make upgrades less risky at this point. PRoblem for me with that for me is I still use the old handheld theme for use with my older handheld windows mobile device browser and I have to re-install that manually myself after an upgrade. Thats just an inconvenience for me though, not a showstopper.