Machina Dynamica

Does anyone take the products that Machina Dynamica sells. There is a bell for sale here where you are supposed to ring it in different rooms throughout the house. What does that have to do with audio?
It's interesting that you mentioned "SteinMusic Harmonizer, Bybee Quantum Filters, Mpingo Disc, Shakti Stone, Schumann Frequency Generator, CD demagnetizers, tiny little bowl resonators". Are you seriously putting your things on the same playing field? I don't hear anyone else but you doing so. You are unanimous.
Geoff,This thread is not about the products you have mentioned.
Stereo5 asked about Machina Dynamica products .
Sabai wrote,

It's interesting that you mentioned "SteinMusic Harmonizer, Bybee Quantum Filters, Mpingo Disc, Shakti Stone, Schumann Frequency Generator, CD demagnetizers, tiny little bowl resonators". Are you seriously putting your things on the same playing field? I don't hear anyone else but you doing so."

I hate to judge before all the facts are in, but it appears you might be having a reading comprehension moment as I was using the SteinMusic Harmonizer, et al as examples of controversial, or at least unconventional, audio tweaks that have NOT been peer reviewed or validated, I mean other than the usual audio magazine review, which I'm assuming you Über Skeptics don't count as peer review or validation. I provided this list of audio devices in response to a demand from Csontos for peer review, validation and more complete evidence of my products. Csontos being an excellent example of someone who actually believes high end audio products undergo some sort of Peer Review or validation process. Follow?